By adding this to your basket and entering the event, you are accepting the terms and conditions applicable as described below:
I agree to abide by the Technical Regulations and understand and agree that I participate in this event entirely at my own risk, that I must rely on my own ability in dealing with all hazards, and that I must ride in a manner which is safe to myself and others. I am aware that when riding on a public highway the function of the marshals is only to indicate direction and that I must decide whether the movement is safe. I agree that no liability whatsoever shall attach to the promoter, promoting club, sponsor or any official or member of the promoting club in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by me in or by reason of the event, however caused.
The Black Rat Cycle Challenge Mediofondo costs are as follows:
- Up to 30th November 2023 £35.00
- 1st December 2023 – 30th April 2024 £38.00
- 1st May 2024 – 15th May 2024 £40.00
Payment will be taken by Paypal. You are able to use your credit or debit card and you do not need a Paypal account.